الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2012

Level III- 2013- أتمنى

Write three things that you wich to have, own, become. Use the verb أتمنى  Here is an example
أتمنى أن يكون عندي بيت كبير حتى أضع مسبح
أتمنى أن أصبح دكتور حتى أعالج الأطفال   

Food Unit- Level 2- 2013

Search the net and find three dishes from different Arabic-speaking countries. Name the food, identify its origin, tell what type of dish it is (salads, appetizers, main dish, sweets), tell whether it is healthy or not, tell three of its main ingredients, and what its main benefits.

Use the following links to explore Arabic foods from different Arab countries:
1. http://www.soofra.com/
2. http://acookweb.hawaaworld.com/
3. Google, Naseej, etc

Write the names of at least 3 food that sounds appealing to you and complete the following chart:
اسم الطَبَق
غني بـ...
على ماذا يحتوي؟
مِن أَي بَلد؟

هل الطبق صحي أو غير صحي؟

الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012

Food Unit- Level 2

Research the net and find three dishes from different Arabic - Speaking world . Name the food, identify its origin, tell what type of dish it is (salads, appetizers, main dish, sweets), tell whether it is healthy or not healthy, and tell three of its main ingredients. To help you find information you can use the following links: 1. www.soofra.com http:// acookweb.hawaaworld.com .2> www.mimicooks.com. 3