Write a comparison in two paragraphs about the coptic orthodox, and muslim religions. You have to include at least 2 similarities and 2 differences. Post your blog no later than Aug 24th
the coptic orthodox is a type of christian church.they belive in jesus christ.there are moany types of christians. the coptic orthodox is one. the muslims religion must pray every day. the girls must wear and cove all of there body.the reason why so they wont distract the men whiile the parying
The coptic orthodox church is not a very popular church but is very influential. This religion has a lot of different beliefs that influenced our religion. They believe in one god, they believe in jesus christ just like we do. There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
There is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ. Also the coptic and muslims pray to there god. The difernece is that the muslims pray about 5 times a day and the coptics dont. Another differnece is that the muslims believe that women should cover themselves when thay go to a mosque because they can be a distraction while the male is preying.
The coptic orthodox is a church. It is not very popular around here.the church is a very good trustworthy church. Their religion has many beliefs and one of them is that they believe in jesus christ.
This is a muslim religion who believed also that there was only one god. All the people that have the same religion as the muslims have to pray every day for about two hours. The women pray next to the men.
the coptic church are christians and the religiuuon was founded by the eyptians. They bhelieve in jesus christ as there savior and messiah. They celebrate easter.
The muslim religion was first founded by the profet muhammad. They belive in the five pillars of islam. they must pray 5 times a week. this is jose menjivar
In the coptic orthodox they believe in one god. They believed that he is pure. they are not big here but in other parts of the world they are huge.
In the muslim religion they also believe in one good and they are also not so big here. The people in their religion welcome other people in to their religion. That person must say a prayer to god and they are considered muslim. Muslim people fast. That means they only eat before sunrise and sunset they do not eat or drink while the sun is out.
بصريات والمسلمين تؤمن بالله الواحد وهي ليست كبيرة في هذا البلد المسلمين الصلاة٥ مرات في اليوم المسلمون أسس الدين محمد البصريات اسسها EGYTIANS البصريات لدينا أنواع شتى من المعتقدات
The coptic orthodox church is not a very popular church but is very influential. This religion has a lot of different beliefs that influenced our religion. They believe in one god, they believe in jesus christ just like we do. There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
There is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ. Also the coptic and muslims pray to there god. The difernece is that the muslims pray about 5 times a day and the coptics dont. Another difference is that the muslims believe that women should cover themselves when thay go to a mosque because they can be a distraction while the male is preying. By:Hector A. P.5
the coptic orthodox church believes in one god. They believed that he is pure.the coptic church are christians and the religiuuon was founded by the eyptians.There religion is one of many other christian religions here today. There is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ.They belive in the five pillars of islam. they must pray 5 times a week.
On our fieldtrip we visited the Coptic Orthodox Church, an Ancient Christian Church. It is one of many diffrent Christian Religions. Coptic comes from a Greek word wich means Egyptian. This church is similar to other Cristian Churches. They do belive in one god and in the holy trinity. They also have the seven sacraments wich are: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance and Confesion, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick. Most Christians are familiar with them.
We also visited a Mosque, Muslim Religion. They belive in one god too. They have the 5 pillars of Islam. They are: belive in one god, fasting, pray towards Mecca 5 times a day, help the poor, and visit the holly city of Mecca atleast once in your life. Also they require women to cover up during prayer. It is not because they are less but because they dont want women to distract men during prayer.
In the explanation they gave us, i can say that these two religions do have their diffrences. The Muslim Religion is more based on yourself and god, how much yu belive, one on one. In the Christian one it is more of everybody praying together and completing certain task. The seven sacraments, while Muslims dont. Another thing is that the Christian Church doesnt require women to cover up. They both belive in one god.
the field trip was very interesting because i got to lear about the muslim religion and it was very interesting the way they pray and the times they pray beause in my religion i only prey when i go to church and one more thing in my religion women dont have to cover there heads.
Roberto Yanez Per.5 In the arabic feild trip we went 2 three places.We went to an arabic church, a mosquie,and a bakery. the church was ver Big and nice an there was alot of entrances.the mosque was nice to it was very quite i m not very quite so it was hard to be quite.the backerys food was great and so was the whole feildtrip thank you for taking us mis shaath.
On our fieldtrip we visited a Coptic Orthodox Church and a Mosque. The Coptic Orthodox Church is a type of christian church. It is very ancient. In the Coptic Orthodox Church they believe in one God, he is Jesus Christ. They believed no one was as great as Jesus Christ, no one can compare to him. NO one could see Jesus Christ. The Coptic Orthodox Church was founded by the Egyptians.
We also visited a Mosque, which is a Muslim religion. In this religion people pray 5 times a day everyday. During Ramadan they fast. They believe in the 5 pillars, and they follow them. They believe have to give money to charity or to those who have less then them. When prayingthe women must coverup for respect. They also coverup to not distract men while praying. Muhammad is the main prophet from the past. People believe in him they believe he is a very important person. In paintings or drawing they never show his face.
The coptic orthodox is one of most christan churches. They also believe in jesus christ but in a diffrent way dawg.
Well in the islamic church, they have to pray everyday at certain times. They also believe that Ala(god) is soo mighty that they cant even draw it with due respect by:javier:D
The coptic orthodox church is one of the most ancient churches in the world. The word coptic comes from the greek word aigyptusmeaning egypt. The coptic church has carefully preserved the christian faith it has gone down from generation. the church believes in christ. A difference betwwen the Orthodox church and the muslim religion is the they pray in different ways but some how believe in something which is god. the islam religions doesn't eat for a whole day and they pray about five times a day. the orthdox church prays about one time i think. by:alejandra
marijose ramirez in the recent fieldtrip we went an copic orthodox church and to a mosque. The ways in which the two religions are similar are that they are both monotheistic meaning they believe in one god. Another similarity is that they were both influenced by the arabic language. the copic orthodox church was very big and very beautiful. muslim religion is based more on your faith towards god and they dont really have any major rituals. while the copic orthodox believes in the 7 sacraments to be a good christian. they believe in the apostels and the vrgin mary. muslim has the five pilars of islam and prophet muhammad.
في 1741 وهو أسقف القبطية في القدس ، Amba Athanasius ، أصبحت الكاثوليكية. البابا بنديكت الرابع عشر عينه النائب الرسولي للمجتمع صغير (حوالي 2،000 نسمة) التي حولت معه. على الرغم من Athanasius النهاية عادت إلى الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية القبطية ، وهو خط الكاثوليكية الرسولية الكهنة واستمر بعده.
في الكرسي الرسولي 1824 أنشأت البطريركية القبطية للكاثوليك ، ولكنها موجودة على الورق فقط. السلطات العثمانية سمحت القبطية الكاثوليك لبدء بناء كنائس خاصة بهم في عام 1829.
لاوون الثالث عشر في 1895 الى اعادة تأسيس البطريركية في عام 1899 وعين الاسقف مكاريوس سيريل كما البطريرك سيريل الثاني "الإسكندرية للأقباط." النائب البطريركي المطران سيريل قد ترأس القبطية الكاثوليكية في المجمع الكنسي في عام 1898 والذي أدخل عددا من اللاتينية الممارسات. سيريل استقال في 1908 ، وبقي المنصب شاغرا حتى عام 1947 ، عندما كان البطريرك الجديد انتخب أخيرا Nada Kassira
في بداية الإسلام ، والقبائل والطوائف في الإسلام ، وغالبا ما تتسم استقلالها أو النقاء ، عن طريق طرح مساجد خاصة بهم ، أو من خلال تحديد جزء معين من المسجد من جانبهم. هذا النمط قد تغيرت عبر التاريخ ، ولكن الوضع اليوم ليس تسامحا كما قد يبدو. من المسلمين من جميع المذاهب ومن الناحية النظرية حرية دخول جميع المساجد ، ولكن في واقع بعض المساجد تعتبر غير مناسبة ، وسوف يسافر المسلمين في محاولة لايجاد المسجد والتي تستخدم من قبل أشخاص ينتمون إلى بلده العقيدة (السنة والشيعة ، و Kharijis التقسيم هي أهم نقطة ، في حين أن الحكومة التي يهيمن عليها أو المساجد التي يهيمن عليها الاسلاميون ، هو جديد ، وحتى هذه النقطة الحساسة التقسيم). ولكن معظم المساجد الكبرى ، فإن ما يسمى جامي (كامي) وينظر إليها على أنها محايدة ، وتستخدم من قبل جميع العقائد. Nada Kassira
In the Arabic field trip i learned many exciting things. We went to the copic orthodox church and to a mosque. The copic orthodox believes in one God and was found by Egyptians. They have 7 sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance and Confession, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick. They believe they're God is so powerful and can not be compared to a normal human being. His face is only imagined because his appearance wouldn't make a difference.
Later on in the day we went to the Mosque which was based on the Muslim religion. The Muslim religion also believes in one God. They don't have the same things the copic orthodox believes in though. During Ramadan they fast so they can see what its like to not have everything you want when you want. They have the 5 pillars of Islam. Unlike the copic orthodox which has 7 sacraments. They help the poor, and visit the holly city of Mecca atleast once in their life.
In the field trip i learned many extraordinary things about the Coptic Orthodox church and the muslims we went to.The coptic orthodox religion is a type of religion that originates from christianity,sort of like the Catholics and protestants. So they believe in one god.They believe that god created everything the stars,planets and even life itself.They have seven sacraments which are baptism,repentance,confession,communion,marriage,priesthood,and last but not least unction of the sick. After a nice walk in a park we went to a mosque, a church but for muslim.They like the coptic orthodox church believe in one god.They also have something like the sacraments,but theirs are called the 5 pillars of islam.They help the poor when ever they can.They pray towards mecca at least 5 times a day.That is what i learned from this field trip
In the arabic field trip we attended to a orthodox church and a mosque.I learned few things of each place.In the orthodox church they believed in one god who created everything animals,stars,planets as well as human life..The coptic orthodox religion orignated from christianity.The coptic orthodox religion contain seven sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance and Confession, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick.They are much similar to catholic religion. In the mosque we learned a little about muslim religion.The muslim religion doesnt contain sacraments, it contains what they call the five pillars of islam.In the Muslim religion they are expected to pray five times a day.i also learned that you are considered a muslim when a person says a prayer to god.In muslim religion women are to cover there body to keep mens from distration.Muslims believe in charity and to give to the needed or have less than them.
The Orthadox Chruch is the largest in Egypt. The religion includes believing in one GOD. To show faithfulness by praying and going to church.They also include the Seven Sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Confession, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick.This is also similar in the Catholic religion as well as Jesus being the son of God. In the muslim religion they also believe in one God but pray in a mosque. They have the Five Pillars of Islam Faith, Prayer, Giving, Fasting, and Pilgram.They believed that Jesus as a prophet not the son of God.
I think the orthodox church And the Islamic church church have their differences and similarities. The Arabic orthodox Christian church is one of the biggest religions in Egypt and some parts of the middle east. :P
The orthodox church believes in one god, Jesus Christ. The word orthodox mean Egypts, also; The Egyptians were the ones that formed the orthodox church. Furthermmore, the orthodox church have seven sacraments they follow. Their religions is much like the catholic and christian religion. On the other hand, there is the Muslim religion. They also have a god, or massiah, which is jesus. They pray to him at a mosque, 5 times a day. In the morning, afternoon, evening, before dinner, and night. Instead of sacraments, Muslim religions have the 5 pillars.
I really like the fieldtrip to the Orthodox church it was really nice i was very intrested and i have learned alot of wat happened to crist.I really liked when we went to the park and we ate all the delisious arabic food i had fun with my friends and telling them wat they are eating and how good it is then when we went to the arabic suni mosk i seen lots of kids asking questions and them learning about arabic and why they fast and how many times do we pray a day i really had fun
For our latest fieldtrip that the arabic class attended to, we went to a church and a mosque. The church was an orthodox church that believes in one god, Jesus Christ like most of us do. They also were formed by the Egyptian, which comes to say, The word "orthodox" means Egyptian. They also have 7 commandments just like catholics. Furthermore, there in another religions that we studied, and that is the Muslim religions. The muslim religion also has one god, or massiah, named Jesus, besides that ,they praise Prophet Abraham. Instead of having 7 commandments, the muslim religion has the 5 pillars of Islam.
then ms.shaath is....... BALLLLLLIIIIINNN!!!!!! =]
On our arabic fieldtrip we went to a Coptic Orthodox Church and we also visited a mosque. I learned that the Coptic church religion originated in Egypt. They believe in one god, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Trinity. Like the Catholics, they also have to follow the seven sacramens: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick. When they babtize a child, they immerse the child into the water three times. The coptic religion is similar to the Catholic religion.
The muslims center for worship is called a mosque. The muslim religion is monotheistic, they only believe in God. They follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Instead of following sacrament the muslims have to follow what is called the Five Pillars of Islam. They are: believing in one god, praying five times a day, fasting during the months of Ramadan, giving to needy:charity, and making the pilgrimage to Meccah. They believe that when they're praying women should cover themselves so that they won't distract the men.
the coptix orthodox church believes in one god and that one god is jesus christ they have some similarities to christianity churches. they also have the bible that they read. also when the baby is baptized they dip the child three times in the water because it is a church tradition passed down for many years.
the muslim religion main center for worship is in a mosque they also believe in one god just like the orthodoz church the muslims believe in god. they also follow the teachings of Muhammad. they pray five times a day and they have this tradtion of fasting a day for the month of Ramadan they also travel to Meccah. they also believe that the women should cover themsleves so they wont distract the men when they are all praying and to not get to much attention.
the coptix orthodox church has many similarities and differences to the muslim mosque.they both believe in one god.the coptix orthodox church believes in one god, composed of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, as well as the mosque.both their religions are much like the christians.most of their similarities and differences come from their traditions and beliefs.
the coptic orthodox church contains seven sacraments, which are baptism, confirmation, repetenance,conffession,communion, marriage,priesthood, and unction of the sick.the muslim mosque have the 5 pillars of islam, and they are to pray 5 times a day.they believe that you cant see the prophet muhamads face and live, while the coptix orthoox church has many pictures of god.
i learned many new interesting things in this fieldtrip. ;]
the coptix orthodox church has believes a lot like the christian church, they believe in one god and that god is jesus christ.they also have a bibble just like the christians. when a child as baptized they have a tradition to dip them in water 3 times. they have to follow the sevnt sacrements. the muslim wordship center is called the mosque.muslim religion only beleives in one god.they follow the teachings of muhhamed. they also follow the 5 pillars of islam. in the end both of them have some similaritys and some differences. i ? arabic!!!!!!!!!
The difference between them are muslims believe in Allah their god and believe females need to dress in appropiate clothes like not showing and skin . The Coptix Orthodox church is like any other Christian Religion and believe in Jesus and it doesn't matter about the clothess girls wear. The similarities between them are that they both believe in one god and they also have the same prophets.
the difference between coptic orthodox church and the muslims church. is that the muslims believe females should not show skin and wear clothes so they wont show that skin. and believe in allah their god.and the coptic orthodox church and they believe in jesus and girls could wear wat ever they want.and the similarities between them is that they both believe in a god.
The Coptix Orthodox is a type of church. They believe in only one god, which is Jesus Christ. Orthodox means Egypt. The Egyptians were the ones that formed the orthodox church.
The Muslims on the other hand, believe females shouldnt show any part of their skin, nor their hair. Their similarities are that they both believe in a god.
The arabic feiled trip to me was very fun.it was a good learning experience and i think we should go on more field trips like this. i learned alot about the arabic culture and the food. the food was really tasty and i loved it. i learned about about the chuches and the mosques. i had a lot of fun that day thats all i got to say. :)
The Coptic Church is a member of the communion of Oriental Orthodox Churches. This communion also includes the Ethiopian, Syrian, Armenian, and Malankarese churches. In other words, they are an ancient traditionalist church. The Orthodox Church has highly liturgical worship, uses icons in worship, places a great importance on Tradition, and has a longer Old Testament than the Protestants. the believe in one god Islam is a monothiestic religion, semitic in its originOne of the three Abrahamic religions, next to Christiantiy and Judaism. they also believe in one god. the muslim mosque have the 5 pillars of islam, and they are to pray 5 times a day
think that this has been one of th best fieldtrip.This one has really taught us about the religion and culture of the arabs.In the muslim church the wome cant show their body or tier hair either.They aslo have to do 5 prayers a day. In the coptic church they only believe in one god.In my opinion i think that they are like the churches thet i assist too.
I think The Coptic Church was fun,i learned alot,and more of the arabic culture and what they belive in now.and the second church we went to made more sence cause i learned that in the arabic culture you have to pray everyday no matter wack,and theres a speacial day that they cant eat after sunset!I think ive learned so much that day:)ohh,and the food we eat in the park was good too,thanks mrs.shaath for the food you provide us with and IT WAS FUN<3.
the arabic feild trip was fun,i learned alot of new things,that i never knew!the church was so beatiful from the inside and outside!i was really suprised when i went inside and saw how everything was so nice!when i would go around and see all the pictures that were at the church,everything was so nice!i also like the food we eat at the park!some people didnt like it but i thought it was pretty good!the second church we went to i got to learn new things about the culture arabic live in!we should go to more churches to learn more things:)
It was definetly worth the 5 bucks i gave i learn new things, and thx mr Medina when we were at the church i already knew somethings the priest was telling us. The Muslim religion is really all about your faith in god because they do alot for him, wie the the cothic was the same as christianity with their belief in Jesus Christ.
The coptic church was interesting, I had never seen a church like that before. The coptic church and the mosque are very different but at the same time very simaliar. The coptic church was very quiet and smelled like incense.
The Arabic mosque was fun to visit as well. The carpets were very fancy, and the rooms were big. The designated praying area was very clean because you have to take your shoes off before you entered. I enjoyed the visit.
i was the first to give the five bucks.It was definetly worth the 5 bucks i gave i learn new things, and thx mr Medina when we were at the church i already knew somethings the priest was telling us. The Muslim religion is really all about your faith in god because they do alot for him, wie the the cothic was the same as christianity with their belief in Jesus Christ.The Coptic Church is a member of the communion of Oriental Orthodox Churches. This communion also includes the Ethiopian, Syrian, Armenian, and Malankarese churches. In other words, they are an ancient traditionalist church. The Orthodox Church has highly liturgical worship, uses icons in worship, places a great importance on Tradition, and has a longer Old Testament than the Protestants. the believe in one god Islam is a monothiestic religion, semitic in its originOne of the three Abrahamic religions, next to Christiantiy and Judaism. they also believe in one god. the muslim mosque have the 5 pillars of islam, and they are to pray 5 times a day August 24, 2009 7:02 PM
the coptic church are christians and the religiuuon was founded by the eyptians. They bhelieve in jesus christ as there savior and messiah. They celebrate easter.
the field trip was very interesting because i got to lear about the muslim religion and it was very interesting the way they pray and the times they pray beause in my religion i only prey when i go to church and one more thing in my religion women dont have to cover there heads.
كان لي الكثير وأنا في رحلة ميدانية لم يتعلموا شيئا جديدا لأنه سبق لي أن أعرف كل شيء عن بلدي وثقافتهم وثقافة الآخر ولكن ما كان يحب معظم الحديقة الطعام لم يكن جيدا فقط هم مع الجبن. معظم الرحلة الميدانية كانت في الحافلة كانت باردة جديدة ، وكان لي أكثر متعة في الحافلة ثم خارج أصدقاء جدد الرجل الذي أدليت به كان مضحكا ...rima ayoub
well the first place we went to on the trip was to the church we got there and we talk to the priest and there showing us the picture of god and there great messiah which they call there god.then they took us too a tour and they gave us donuts with juice which was very good.=]
The mosque was really fun we were also learning about the religion and we saw how they pray and he told us how many times a day hey pray
well the first place we went to on the trip was to the church we got there and we talk to the priest and there showing us the picture of god and there great messiah which they call there god.then they took us too a tour and they gave us donuts with juice which was very good.=]
The mosque was really fun we were also learning about the religion and we saw how they pray and he told us how many times a day hey pray
i learned a lot of new things in the field trip. i learned that the coptic church has the same things as the catholics. they also got the seven sacramens. the muslim religion have something similar like the seven sacramens. it is called the five pillars. they have to pray five times a day. they both have one god.
The place that we went has to the trip to the church coptic church there were christian but they were arabi.It was very surprise because i never knew that arbics could be christian too.And they talked about the great meesiah which is there god for then christian arabic's. and afters that little tour they gave us around the church they took us to a place were we ate donuts(:
The second place that we went was the mosque were muslims pray more that 4 times a day and they talked about why women had to cover their heads in church because men wont consentrate while there praying!
in the orthadonx church they believe in one god and that he is pure and holy.the religion was created in egypt and the are basiclly cristins.
in the mosque they believe in one god but they also warshipin the prophet mohammad. they fast to show that they are willing to sacrafice for their religion and the connection to god. this is Jonathan Pena
I did not go but i search that the arbic church is kind of like a christian church. They even have a god which is meesiah. Then u guys went to a donut shop to eat and i were there i know it would of being good Then u guys went to the mosque which it will be were the muslims pay. I read that they pray up to 4 times in one day. The women have to cover them self so the men would not consentrate them.
This religion has a lot of different beliefs that influenced our religion. They believe in one god, they believe in jesus christ. There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
There is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ. Also the coptic and muslims pray to there god. they pry 5 times.
Well the coptic orthodox believes in one god . They believe theat he is pure and gentle. They also have many beliefs. But they have one god. The Muslims religion also believes in one god. They welcome other people in there religion that are not in there religion
going on the field trip was fun. i learned many things in this field trip. the coptic church was very interesting because it believed in jesus and it was kind of like the same religion as my religion except it was from another different place. it was fun going to the mosque because it is Ms. Nada's religion and i was bugging about what her religion was. i really enjoyed the the trip.
the coptic orthodox church is a christian church. they believe in one god and also they believe in jesus as their messiah and savior and that mary is a virgin and pure.
in the mosque they have to pray 5 times a day. the women have to cover their faces in church so they won't distract the men while praying. they also believe in one god and the messiah abraham
i heard that the mosque they only believe in one god.. how many gods do we believe in?? alot.. i also heard that they are many differents kind of christians..
the coptic orthodox is a type of christian church.they belive in jesus christ.there are moany types of christians. the coptic orthodox is one.
ردحذفthe muslims religion must pray every day. the girls must wear and cove all of there body.the reason why so they wont distract the men whiile the parying
The coptic orthodox church is not a very popular church but is very influential. This religion has a lot of different beliefs that influenced our religion. They believe in one god, they believe in jesus christ just like we do. There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
ردحذفThere is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ. Also the coptic and muslims pray to there god. The difernece is that the muslims pray about 5 times a day and the coptics dont. Another differnece is that the muslims believe that women should cover themselves when thay go to a mosque because they can be a distraction while the male is preying.
The coptic orthodox is a church. It is not very popular around here.the church is a very good trustworthy church. Their religion has many beliefs and one of them is that they believe in jesus christ.
ردحذفThis is a muslim religion who believed also that there was only one god. All the people that have the same religion as the muslims have to pray every day for about two hours. The women pray next to the men.
the coptic church are christians and the religiuuon was founded by the eyptians. They bhelieve in jesus christ as there savior and messiah. They celebrate easter.
ردحذفThe muslim religion was first founded by the profet muhammad. They belive in the five pillars of islam. they must pray 5 times a week. this is jose menjivar
In the coptic orthodox they believe in one god. They believed that he is pure. they are not big here but in other parts of the world they are huge.
ردحذفIn the muslim religion they also believe in one good and they are also not so big here. The people in their religion welcome other people in to their religion. That person must say a prayer to god and they are considered muslim. Muslim people fast. That means they only eat before sunrise and sunset they do not eat or drink while the sun is out.
بصريات والمسلمين تؤمن بالله الواحد وهي ليست كبيرة في هذا البلد المسلمين الصلاة٥ مرات في اليوم المسلمون أسس الدين محمد البصريات اسسها EGYTIANS البصريات لدينا أنواع شتى من المعتقدات
ردحذفThe coptic orthodox church is not a very popular church but is very influential. This religion has a lot of different beliefs that influenced our religion. They believe in one god, they believe in jesus christ just like we do. There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
ردحذفThere is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ. Also the coptic and muslims pray to there god. The difernece is that the muslims pray about 5 times a day and the coptics dont. Another difference is that the muslims believe that women should cover themselves when thay go to a mosque because they can be a distraction while the male is preying.
By:Hector A. P.5
the coptic orthodox church believes in one god. They believed that he is pure.the coptic church are christians and the religiuuon was founded by the eyptians.There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
ردحذفThere is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ.They belive in the five pillars of islam. they must pray 5 times a week.
On our fieldtrip we visited the Coptic Orthodox Church, an Ancient Christian Church. It is one of many diffrent Christian Religions. Coptic comes from a Greek word wich means Egyptian. This church is similar to other Cristian Churches. They do belive in one god and in the holy trinity. They also have the seven sacraments wich are: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance and Confesion, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick. Most Christians are familiar with them.
ردحذفWe also visited a Mosque, Muslim Religion. They belive in one god too. They have the 5 pillars of Islam. They are: belive in one god, fasting, pray towards Mecca 5 times a day, help the poor, and visit the holly city of Mecca atleast once in your life. Also they require women to cover up during prayer. It is not because they are less but because they dont want women to distract men during prayer.
In the explanation they gave us, i can say that these two religions do have their diffrences. The Muslim Religion is more based on yourself and god, how much yu belive, one on one. In the Christian one it is more of everybody praying together and completing certain task. The seven sacraments, while Muslims dont. Another thing is that the Christian Church doesnt require women to cover up. They both belive in one god.
the field trip was very interesting because i got to lear about the muslim religion and it was very interesting the way they pray and the times they pray beause in my religion i only prey when i go to church and one more thing in my religion women dont have to cover there heads.
ردحذفRoberto Yanez
In the arabic feild trip we went 2 three places.We went to an arabic church, a mosquie,and a bakery. the church was ver Big and nice an there was alot of entrances.the mosque was nice to it was very quite i m not very quite so it was hard to be quite.the backerys food was great and so was the whole feildtrip thank you for taking us mis shaath.
On our fieldtrip we visited a Coptic Orthodox Church and a Mosque. The Coptic Orthodox Church is a type of christian church. It is very ancient. In the Coptic Orthodox Church they believe in one God, he is Jesus Christ. They believed no one was as great as Jesus Christ, no one can compare to him. NO one could see Jesus Christ. The Coptic Orthodox Church was founded by the Egyptians.
ردحذفWe also visited a Mosque, which is a Muslim religion. In this religion people pray 5 times a day everyday. During Ramadan they fast. They believe in the 5 pillars, and they follow them. They believe have to give money to charity or to those who have less then them. When prayingthe women must coverup for respect. They also coverup to not distract men while praying. Muhammad is the main prophet from the past. People believe in him they believe he is a very important person. In paintings or drawing they never show his face.
The coptic orthodox is one of most christan churches. They also believe in jesus christ but in a diffrent way dawg.
ردحذفWell in the islamic church, they have to pray everyday at certain times. They also believe that Ala(god) is soo mighty that they cant even draw it with due respect by:javier:D
The coptic orthodox church is one of the most ancient churches in the world. The word coptic comes from the greek word aigyptusmeaning egypt.
ردحذفThe coptic church has carefully preserved the christian faith it has gone down from generation.
the church believes in christ.
A difference betwwen the Orthodox church and the muslim religion is the they pray in different ways but some how believe in something which is god. the islam religions doesn't eat for a whole day and they pray about five times a day. the orthdox church prays about one time i think.
marijose ramirez
ردحذفin the recent fieldtrip we went an copic orthodox church and to a mosque. The ways in which the two religions are similar are that they are both monotheistic meaning they believe in one god. Another similarity is that they were both influenced by the arabic language. the copic orthodox church was very big and very beautiful.
muslim religion is based more on your faith towards god and they dont really have any major rituals. while the copic orthodox believes in the 7 sacraments to be a good christian. they believe in the apostels and the vrgin mary. muslim has the five pilars of islam and prophet muhammad.
في 1741 وهو أسقف القبطية في القدس ، Amba Athanasius ، أصبحت الكاثوليكية. البابا بنديكت الرابع عشر عينه النائب الرسولي للمجتمع صغير (حوالي 2،000 نسمة) التي حولت معه. على الرغم من Athanasius النهاية عادت إلى الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية القبطية ، وهو خط الكاثوليكية الرسولية الكهنة واستمر بعده.
ردحذففي الكرسي الرسولي 1824 أنشأت البطريركية القبطية للكاثوليك ، ولكنها موجودة على الورق فقط. السلطات العثمانية سمحت القبطية الكاثوليك لبدء بناء كنائس خاصة بهم في عام 1829.
لاوون الثالث عشر في 1895 الى اعادة تأسيس البطريركية في عام 1899 وعين الاسقف مكاريوس سيريل كما البطريرك سيريل الثاني "الإسكندرية للأقباط." النائب البطريركي المطران سيريل قد ترأس القبطية الكاثوليكية في المجمع الكنسي في عام 1898 والذي أدخل عددا من اللاتينية الممارسات. سيريل استقال في 1908 ، وبقي المنصب شاغرا حتى عام 1947 ، عندما كان البطريرك الجديد انتخب أخيرا
Nada Kassira
في بداية الإسلام ، والقبائل والطوائف في الإسلام ، وغالبا ما تتسم استقلالها أو النقاء ، عن طريق طرح مساجد خاصة بهم ، أو من خلال تحديد جزء معين من المسجد من جانبهم. هذا النمط قد تغيرت عبر التاريخ ، ولكن الوضع اليوم ليس تسامحا كما قد يبدو. من المسلمين من جميع المذاهب ومن الناحية النظرية حرية دخول جميع المساجد ، ولكن في واقع بعض المساجد تعتبر غير مناسبة ، وسوف يسافر المسلمين في محاولة لايجاد المسجد والتي تستخدم من قبل أشخاص ينتمون إلى بلده العقيدة (السنة والشيعة ، و Kharijis التقسيم هي أهم نقطة ، في حين أن الحكومة التي يهيمن عليها أو المساجد التي يهيمن عليها الاسلاميون ، هو جديد ، وحتى هذه النقطة الحساسة التقسيم). ولكن معظم المساجد الكبرى ، فإن ما يسمى جامي (كامي) وينظر إليها على أنها محايدة ، وتستخدم من قبل جميع العقائد.
ردحذفNada Kassira
marlene vega. Per. 5
ردحذفIn the Arabic field trip i learned many exciting things. We went to the copic orthodox church and to a mosque. The copic orthodox believes in one God and was found by Egyptians. They have 7 sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance and Confession, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick. They believe they're God is so powerful and can not be compared to a normal human being. His face is only imagined because his appearance wouldn't make a difference.
Later on in the day we went to the Mosque which was based on the Muslim religion. The Muslim religion also believes in one God. They don't have the same things the copic orthodox believes in though. During Ramadan they fast so they can see what its like to not have everything you want when you want. They have the 5 pillars of Islam. Unlike the copic orthodox which has 7 sacraments. They help the poor, and visit the holly city of Mecca atleast once in their life.
ردحذفIn the field trip i learned many extraordinary things about the Coptic Orthodox church and the muslims we went to.The coptic orthodox religion is a type of religion that originates from christianity,sort of like the Catholics and protestants. So they believe in one god.They believe that god created everything the stars,planets and even life itself.They have seven sacraments which are baptism,repentance,confession,communion,marriage,priesthood,and last but not least unction of the sick.
After a nice walk in a park we went to a mosque, a church but for muslim.They like the coptic orthodox church believe in one god.They also have something like the sacraments,but theirs are called the 5 pillars of islam.They help the poor when ever they can.They pray towards mecca at least 5 times a day.That is what i learned from this field trip
In the arabic field trip we attended to a orthodox church and a mosque.I learned few things of each place.In the orthodox church they believed in one god who created everything animals,stars,planets as well as human life..The coptic orthodox religion orignated from christianity.The coptic orthodox religion contain seven sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance and Confession, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick.They are much similar to catholic religion.
ردحذفIn the mosque we learned a little about muslim religion.The muslim religion doesnt contain sacraments, it contains what they call the five pillars of islam.In the Muslim religion they are expected to pray five times a day.i also learned that you are considered a muslim when a person says a prayer to god.In muslim religion women are to cover there body to keep mens from distration.Muslims believe in charity and to give to the needed or have less than them.
The Orthadox Chruch is the largest in Egypt. The religion includes believing in one GOD. To show faithfulness by praying and going to church.They also include the Seven Sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Confession, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick.This is also similar in the Catholic religion as well as Jesus being the son of God.
ردحذفIn the muslim religion they also believe in one God but pray in a mosque. They have the Five Pillars of Islam Faith, Prayer, Giving, Fasting, and Pilgram.They believed that Jesus as a prophet not the son of God.
I think the orthodox church And the Islamic church church have their differences and similarities. The Arabic orthodox Christian church is one of the biggest religions in Egypt and some parts of the middle east.
The orthodox church believes in one god, Jesus Christ. The word orthodox mean Egypts, also; The Egyptians were the ones that formed the orthodox church. Furthermmore, the orthodox church have seven sacraments they follow. Their religions is much like the catholic and christian religion.
ردحذفOn the other hand, there is the Muslim religion. They also have a god, or massiah, which is jesus. They pray to him at a mosque, 5 times a day. In the morning, afternoon, evening, before dinner, and night. Instead of sacraments, Muslim religions have the 5 pillars.
I really like the fieldtrip to the Orthodox church it was really nice i was very intrested and i have learned alot of wat happened to crist.I really liked when we went to the park and we ate all the delisious arabic food i had fun with my friends and telling them wat they are eating and how good it is then when we went to the arabic suni mosk i seen lots of kids asking questions and them learning about arabic and why they fast and how many times do we pray a day i really had fun
ردحذفFor our latest fieldtrip that the arabic class attended to, we went to a church and a mosque. The church was an orthodox church that believes in one god, Jesus Christ like most of us do. They also were formed by the Egyptian, which comes to say, The word "orthodox" means Egyptian. They also have 7 commandments just like catholics.
ردحذفFurthermore, there in another religions that we studied, and that is the Muslim religions. The muslim religion also has one god, or massiah, named Jesus, besides that ,they praise Prophet Abraham. Instead of having 7 commandments, the muslim religion has the 5 pillars of Islam.
then ms.shaath is.......
أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.
ردحذفOn our arabic fieldtrip we went to a Coptic Orthodox Church and we also visited a mosque. I learned that the Coptic church religion originated in Egypt. They believe in one god, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Trinity. Like the Catholics, they also have to follow the seven sacramens: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Marriage, Priesthood, and Unction of the sick. When they babtize a child, they immerse the child into the water three times. The coptic religion is similar to the Catholic religion.
ردحذفThe muslims center for worship is called a mosque. The muslim religion is monotheistic, they only believe in God. They follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Instead of following sacrament the muslims have to follow what is called the Five Pillars of Islam. They are: believing in one god, praying five times a day, fasting during the months of Ramadan, giving to needy:charity, and making the pilgrimage to Meccah. They believe that when they're praying women should cover themselves so that they won't distract the men.
the coptix orthodox church believes in one god and that one god is jesus christ they have some similarities to christianity churches. they also have the bible that they read. also when the baby is baptized they dip the child three times in the water because it is a church tradition passed down for many years.
ردحذفthe muslim religion main center for worship is in a mosque they also believe in one god just like the orthodoz church the muslims believe in god. they also follow the teachings of Muhammad. they pray five times a day and they have this tradtion of fasting a day for the month of Ramadan they also travel to Meccah. they also believe that the women should cover themsleves so they wont distract the men when they are all praying and to not get to much attention.
the coptix orthodox church has many similarities and differences to the muslim mosque.they both believe in one god.the coptix orthodox church believes in one god, composed of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, as well as the mosque.both their religions are much like the christians.most of their similarities and differences come from their traditions and beliefs.
ردحذفthe coptic orthodox church contains seven sacraments, which are baptism, confirmation, repetenance,conffession,communion, marriage,priesthood, and unction of the sick.the muslim mosque have the 5 pillars of islam, and they are to pray 5 times a day.they believe that you cant see the prophet muhamads face and live, while the coptix orthoox church has many pictures of god.
i learned many new interesting things in this fieldtrip. ;]
the coptix orthodox church has believes a lot like the christian church, they believe in one god and that god is jesus christ.they also have a bibble just like the christians. when a child as baptized they have a tradition to dip them in water 3 times. they have to follow the sevnt sacrements. the muslim wordship center is called the mosque.muslim religion only beleives in one god.they follow the teachings of muhhamed. they also follow the 5 pillars of islam. in the end both of them have some similaritys and some differences. i ? arabic!!!!!!!!!
ردحذفThe difference between them are muslims believe in Allah their god and believe females need to dress in appropiate clothes like not showing and skin . The Coptix Orthodox church is like any other Christian Religion and believe in Jesus and it doesn't matter about the clothess girls wear. The similarities between them are that they both believe in one god and they also have the same prophets.
ردحذفthe difference between coptic orthodox church and the muslims church. is that the muslims believe females should not show skin and wear clothes so they wont show that skin. and believe in allah their god.and the coptic orthodox church and they believe in jesus and girls could wear wat ever they want.and the similarities between them is that they both believe in a god.
ردحذفThe Coptix Orthodox is a type of church. They believe in only one god, which is Jesus Christ. Orthodox means Egypt. The Egyptians were the ones that formed the orthodox church.
ردحذفThe Muslims on the other hand, believe females shouldnt show any part of their skin, nor their hair. Their similarities are that they both believe in a god.
The arabic feiled trip to me was very fun.it was a good learning experience and i think we should go on more field trips like this.
ردحذفi learned alot about the arabic culture and the food.
the food was really tasty and i loved it. i learned about about the chuches and the mosques.
i had a lot of fun that day thats all i got to say.
The Coptic Church is a member of the communion of Oriental Orthodox Churches. This communion also includes the Ethiopian, Syrian, Armenian, and Malankarese churches. In other words, they are an ancient traditionalist church. The Orthodox Church has highly liturgical worship, uses icons in worship, places a great importance on Tradition, and has a longer Old Testament than the Protestants. the believe in one god
ردحذفIslam is a monothiestic religion, semitic in its originOne of the three Abrahamic religions, next to Christiantiy and Judaism. they also believe in one god. the muslim mosque have the 5 pillars of islam, and they are to pray 5 times a day
think that this has been one of th best fieldtrip.This one has really taught us about the religion and culture of the arabs.In the muslim church the wome cant show their body or tier hair either.They aslo have to do 5 prayers a day.
ردحذفIn the coptic church they only believe in one god.In my opinion i think that they are like the churches thet i assist too.
I think The Coptic Church was fun,i learned alot,and more of the arabic culture and what they belive in now.and the second church we went to made more sence cause i learned that in the arabic culture you have to pray everyday no matter wack,and theres a speacial day that they cant eat after sunset!I think ive learned so much that day:)ohh,and the food we eat in the park was good too,thanks mrs.shaath for the food you provide us with and IT WAS FUN<3.
ردحذفthe arabic feild trip was fun,i learned alot of new things,that i never knew!the church was so beatiful from the inside and outside!i was really suprised when i went inside and saw how everything was so nice!when i would go around and see all the pictures that were at the church,everything was so nice!i also like the food we eat at the park!some people didnt like it but i thought it was pretty good!the second church we went to i got to learn new things about the culture arabic live in!we should go to more churches to learn more things:)
ردحذفIt was definetly worth the 5 bucks i gave i learn new things, and thx mr Medina when we were at the church i already knew somethings the priest was telling us. The Muslim religion is really all about your faith in god because they do alot for him, wie the the cothic was the same as christianity with their belief in Jesus Christ.
ردحذفDavid Queponds
ردحذفThe coptic church was interesting, I had never seen a church like that before. The coptic church and the mosque are very different but at the same time very simaliar. The coptic church was very quiet and smelled like incense.
The Arabic mosque was fun to visit as well. The carpets were very fancy, and the rooms were big. The designated praying area was very clean because you have to take your shoes off before you entered. I enjoyed the visit.
i was the first to give the five bucks.It was definetly worth the 5 bucks i gave i learn new things, and thx mr Medina when we were at the church i already knew somethings the priest was telling us. The Muslim religion is really all about your faith in god because they do alot for him, wie the the cothic was the same as christianity with their belief in Jesus Christ.The Coptic Church is a member of the communion of Oriental Orthodox Churches. This communion also includes the Ethiopian, Syrian, Armenian, and Malankarese churches. In other words, they are an ancient traditionalist church. The Orthodox Church has highly liturgical worship, uses icons in worship, places a great importance on Tradition, and has a longer Old Testament than the Protestants. the believe in one god
ردحذفIslam is a monothiestic religion, semitic in its originOne of the three Abrahamic religions, next to Christiantiy and Judaism. they also believe in one god. the muslim mosque have the 5 pillars of islam, and they are to pray 5 times a day
August 24, 2009 7:02 PM
the coptic church are christians and the religiuuon was founded by the eyptians. They bhelieve in jesus christ as there savior and messiah. They celebrate easter.
ردحذفthe field trip was very interesting because i got to lear about the muslim religion and it was very interesting the way they pray and the times they pray beause in my religion i only prey when i go to church and one more thing in my religion women dont have to cover there heads.
كان لي الكثير وأنا في رحلة ميدانية لم يتعلموا شيئا جديدا لأنه سبق لي أن أعرف كل شيء عن بلدي وثقافتهم وثقافة الآخر ولكن ما كان يحب معظم الحديقة الطعام لم يكن جيدا فقط هم مع الجبن. معظم الرحلة الميدانية كانت في الحافلة كانت باردة جديدة ، وكان لي أكثر متعة في الحافلة ثم خارج أصدقاء جدد الرجل الذي أدليت به كان مضحكا ...rima ayoub
ردحذفwell the first place we went to on the trip was to the church we got there and we talk to the priest and there showing us the picture of god and there great messiah which they call there god.then they took us too a tour and they gave us donuts with juice which was very good.=]
ردحذفThe mosque was really fun we were also learning about the religion and we saw how they pray and he told us how many times a day hey pray
well the first place we went to on the trip was to the church we got there and we talk to the priest and there showing us the picture of god and there great messiah which they call there god.then they took us too a tour and they gave us donuts with juice which was very good.=]
ردحذفThe mosque was really fun we were also learning about the religion and we saw how they pray and he told us how many times a day hey pray
i learned a lot of new things in the field trip. i learned that the coptic church has the same things as the catholics. they also got the seven sacramens. the muslim religion have something similar like the seven sacramens. it is called the five pillars. they have to pray five times a day. they both have one god.
ردحذفjuan sanchez per.5
The place that we went has to the trip to the church coptic church there were christian but they were arabi.It was very surprise because i never knew that arbics could be christian too.And they talked about the great meesiah which is there god for then christian arabic's. and afters that little tour they gave us around the church they took us to a place were we ate donuts(:
ردحذفThe second place that we went was the mosque were muslims pray more that 4 times a day and they talked about why women had to cover their heads in church because men wont consentrate while there praying!
in the orthadonx church they believe in one god and that he is pure and holy.the religion was created in egypt and the are basiclly cristins.
ردحذفin the mosque they believe in one god but they also warshipin the prophet mohammad. they fast to show that they are willing to sacrafice for their religion and the connection to god.
this is Jonathan Pena
I did not go but i search that the arbic church is kind of like a christian church. They even have a god which is meesiah. Then u guys went to a donut shop to eat and i were there i know it would of being good
ردحذفThen u guys went to the mosque which it will be were the muslims pay. I read that they pray up to 4 times in one day. The women have to cover them self so the men would not consentrate them.
This religion has a lot of different beliefs that influenced our religion. They believe in one god, they believe in jesus christ. There religion is one of many other christian religions here today.
ردحذفThere is also the muslim religion. Who believe also that there is only one god. But they believe that a messaia abraham wil come back and the copotic messai is christ. Also the coptic and muslims pray to there god. they pry 5 times.
Well the coptic orthodox believes in one god . They believe theat he is pure and gentle. They also have many beliefs. But they have one god.
ردحذفThe Muslims religion also believes in one god. They welcome other people in there religion that are not in there religion
going on the field trip was fun. i learned many things in this field trip. the coptic church was very interesting because it believed in jesus and it was kind of like the same religion as my religion except it was from another different place. it was fun going to the mosque because it is Ms. Nada's religion and i was bugging about what her religion was. i really enjoyed the the trip.
ردحذفأزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.
ردحذفthe coptic orthodox church is a christian church. they believe in one god and also they believe in jesus as their messiah and savior and that mary is a virgin and pure.
ردحذفin the mosque they have to pray 5 times a day. the women have to cover their faces in church so they won't distract the men while praying. they also believe in one god and the messiah abraham
i heard that the mosque they only believe in one god.. how many gods do we believe in?? alot.. i also heard that they are many differents kind of christians..